In Paradise Lost, shortly after the events of Apocalypse Weekend, it shows him and Postal Dude driving away from Paradise. At the end of the game, Champ is seen sitting next to the Postal Dude as he drives away from an exploding Paradise. Champ accompanies the Dude at the Bridge as they escape, attacking anyone the Postal Dude attacks or that attacks him. It isn't until a group of dogs trained by the rednecks surround the Postal Dude that Champ appears (making a dramatic entrance by smashing through the overhead window) and kills all the dogs. After the Dude looks for him in the pound, Champ seems to be missing. In Apocalypse Weekend, Postal Dude is informed that Champ is in the Dog Pound. Champ and various dogs with his character model later appear in-game in various locations, and may accompany the Dude through Paradise if given food. The Bitch tells the Postal Dude not to let the dog out. When The Postal Dude and The Bitch wake up after relocating to a new part of Paradise, Champ is seen urinating on Postal Dude's shoes, which prompts him to kick the dog.
While he doesn't appear in-game, his dog house can be seen behind the Dude's house.